Frequently asked questions.
What does the annual Raintree assessment fee cover?
The majority of the annual fee covers landscaping to all street entrances, as well as landscaping to all trail entrances. Additionally, the fees cover lighting, insurance, tree removal from common area spaces (as needed), trail maintenance, irrigation, mowing, fences, signage, benches as well as legal expenses and mailing. Also capital set-asides are required by law.
What are the Raintree covenants and how do I get a copy?
The covenants are the rules and regulations of the homeowners association, written to promote safety and protect property value. Each buyer agrees to them and receives a copy at closing. If you cannot locate your copy, please call (804) 282-7451.
I would like to build a shed (or garage, walkway, fence, driveway, retaining wall, house addition, etc.) Do I need a permit?
Yes. For your protection, county permits are required in many instances. Raintree requires its own architectural review approval for any structural change outside of the house (including all of the above and locating a satellite dish or a generator). This is a quick, easy and friendly process. There is rarely a problem, but please get prior approval in order to avoid unnecessary expense.
Who do I contact regarding public safety?
Please report any vandalism or crime to the police (804) 501-5000 non-emergency number. Call 911 if it is an emergency.
What should I do about dead, diseased or downed trees on common areas, or other issues with common areas?
Please let us know via the Contact Us form.
What do I do about road issues?
Most of the roads within Raintree (with the exception of parking lots or townhome parking) are public and fall under the jurisdiction of Henrico County. Any issues with the roads or public signs should be reported to the county at their general number (804) 727-8300.
How do I stop people from parking in my space in front of my house?
Parking on public streets is not prohibited; consequently the Raintree Association has no authority to intercede. For other parking issues, call the Henrico Police at the non-emergency number: (805) 501-5000.
How do I get access to the Raintree Swim and Racquet Club?
Raintree Swim and Racquet Club is an independent facility. Access to its activities and services is not part of your HOA fees. If you wish to join the club, you can contact them directly.
What are Henrico County’s policies on community maintenance?
Henrico County has several important policies about community maintenance:
Grass can be no taller than 12 inches.
Only one inoperable vehicle is allowed per household and it must be out of sight from the front of the house.
Only one trailer is allowed per household and it must be parked behind the front plane of the house.
All trash must be in a covered, watertight container (not overflowing).
Recycle bins must not be overflowing.
No storage of items in plastic bags or under tarps is allowed.
You can view these policies in detail (and file a complaint if needed) at Henrico County’s Community Maintenance web page
Can I get financial help repairing my house?
Henrico County has two programs that assist current homeowners with improvements to their homes with both minor and emergency repairs and moderate rehabilitation. These programs are available to qualifying low and moderate income homeowners. For both programs, all work is done by licensed contractors and overseen by professional rehabilitation specialists Both programs are administered for the County by project: HOMES. To seek assistance or learn more about these programs, homeowners should contact project:HOMES directly at (804) 233-2827.